5G mobile networks are on the horizon with US network providers like AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile already offering 5G to consumers. However, consumers are still in the dark about what this wireless mobile network can do. If you’re on the fence about buying a 5G phone, here are five reasons that may help you make the switch.
Faster Speeds
Imagine being able to download a season of your favorite show in mere seconds on your phone. With a 5G network, smartphones will be about 10 to 100 times speedier than a 4G LTE network powered phone. The speed on your 5G smartphone will be faster than the services that you get with a fiber optic cable that runs into your house.
Reduced Latency
Latency refers to the time between giving your phone command and the phone carrying out that command. To put it differently, with a 5G phone there will be little to no lag time between clicking a link and accessing a site or streaming a video. If you think this isn’t all that impressive, consider this. On your current soon to be old-timey network, your phone will take 20 milliseconds to do something. On 5G, it takes care of it in 1 millisecond (the time for the flash of a camera to go off).
Better Gaming, Performance, and Video Calls
A combination of the above two reasons means that anything you do on your phone, from playing a mobile game to calling your mother becomes faster and better.
Better Access to IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ability of devices to connect. Sure, you think you’re just buying a 5G phone now, but imagine using that phone to operate the toaster in your kitchen and open the blinds in the morning. As 5G mobile networks acquire more consumers, IoT becomes more efficient and comprehensive and you’ll be ahead of the curve.
A Gateway to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
If you buy a 5G phone now, it won’t be long before you can use it as a gateway to virtual reality video games and other kinds of augmented reality. 5G will change the way we play, work, and travel.