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Living with a cancer diagnosis can be debilitating. It damages your quality of life and may even affect your relationships. Whatever stage of treatment you’re in, many patients suffer from the side effects of treatments like chemotherapy and cancer medication. It’s no wonder that many seek alternative medicine to supplement their ongoing treatment. These five alternative cancer therapies may not cure you but they may help restore a feeling of control, relieve some of your symptoms, and may even help you relax and de-stress. The treatments on this list are generally non-invasive and shouldn’t hamper your current treatment but be sure to check with your doctor before you try anything new.
Acupuncture involves a licensed professional inserting fine needles into your skin at precise points. This practice is meant to relieve pain and help you manage anxiety. It is also effective in helping relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea. Make sure you get the go-ahead from your doctor since this treatment isn’t safe for someone who is taking blood thinners.
Aromatherapy uses scents and fragrances to destress the body and mind. Fragrant oils infused with lavender or tea tree oil can be massaged onto the skin or even added to a hot bath. It might help you sleep better and relieve pain. Make sure you aren’t allergic to the oil and avoid lavender oil and tea tree oil if you have breast cancer.
Many people swear by hypnosis as a form of pain management. Typically, a practitioner will help you relax and then guide you through to pain management or stress-relieving goals. Hypnosis is generally recommended to patients with a lot of anxiety or people with anticipatory nausea and vomiting. You must disclose any history of mental illness to your therapist before you begin a session.
Deep tissue massages or light massages help relieve stress and pain. It is quite common for doctors to recommend massages to cancer patients. Patients with bone cancer or low blood counts should choose light massages with very little pressure.
Music therapy
Music therapists use music to help meet specific pain management goals or relieve nausea. Sessions can be individual or even held in groups. A typical session involves playing instruments, singing, or listening to music.