If you own a small business, you often have to get a lot done on a shoestring budget. Lucky for you, the age of technology makes it possible to scale your business at little to no cost. Here are four ways you can harness the power of the internet to increase brand value, grow your small business, acquire customers, and make connections.
Build a Strong Website
A good website stays on brand message, has a way for people to reach out to you, and uses clean, simple layouts and fonts. Use the online platform WordPress.org to set up your site. It is easy to use, has a range of free and premium themes and templates, and eliminates the need to hire a web designer. Set up a web hosting account and choose a domain name. Populate your site with text and webpages and customize it with the drag and drop page builder feature. Set up a contact form so that people can reach you from your website.
Actively Reach out To People
Email marketing makes it possible for you to get in touch with people who have visited the website. Reach out to a reputed email marketing service provider and start generating leads the second your website is up and running.
Make the Most of Search Engine Traffic
You can encourage hits from search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo by adopting a keen content marketing plan. Unless you have a very technical business, this is generally quite easy to do. Set up a blogroll on your website and create a list of searchable keywords that relate to your business. Use these keywords to generate content that will drive traffic to your website.
Learn from And Use Social Media
Social Media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and Facebook are great ways to market directly to customers. It’s not enough that you set up an account on these platforms. Engage with audiences using hashtags, comments features, tweets, quizzes, and giveaways. Learn what your competitors are doing on social media and try to bring something different to the table. If you’re already comfortable with social media and you know your brand, you can do this yourself.